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How To Check Your Kindle eBook File Is Formatted Correctly

Updated: Jun 20, 2023

Kindle eBooks are a wonderful way to make sales without a lot of extra time or work. Here’s how to check your files to make sure they'll display the right way for your readers when the time comes.

Items you'll need ahead of time:

💟Interior File (aka Manuscript in Docx, ePub, or KPF. Mobi files were phased out Aug 1, 2021)

💟Cover File (aka Cover File in PDF)

It will take between a few hours to a few days for your eBook to be accepted by Amazon. If you have a paperback version published through KDP, it should link to your eBook in a few days automatically.

Why Check Your Files

It's always a good idea to double check when receiving files from contractors to verify that you have no issues before accepting the work for the job. Keep reading to find out if it was done correctly. This will save time on the back end and not having to worry about issues.

eBook files are different from your paperback or hardcover versions. Due to the way Kindle is formatted, you might not have software on your computer to be able to check the format. You might need to check it inside of Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) or download their software to view on your computer.

Upload the File

In your KDP account, head to the Kindle version of your book. If you haven’t set that up yet, head to this post to see how to do so. Here are the accepted file formats:

  • Word document

  • EPUB

  • KPF

Click “upload eBook manuscript”. Once done, launch the previewer which will display how the book will look on different devices.

For example, if you want to see what it looks like on a phone, select that option and so on. There is an option to preview it on an eReader but since eReader is in black and white, that's not going to show the colored cover. You can flip through to see what your entire book looks like. Here are a few things to check:

  • If your chapters are hyperlinked, can you click on them?

  • Does your formatting look correct on the pages?

When you are satisfied with your document, click “back to book details”, and continue publishing like normal.

If you’re not happy with your product, then reach out to your formatter for them to make adjustments for you.

Let me know below, did you release a Kindle version of your book as well?

1 Comment

May 31, 2023

Gosh, your blog is so helpful! As a first time children's author, I should have been here first! It would have saved me alot of headache!

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